The Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being (IDHHB) presents

for the first time ever on the continent of Europe

EuroConvention 2000

You are cordially invited to attend this symposium of Practical Workers, being held in Europe on the island of Ibiza (Balearic Islands) in Spain, the weekend of the 18th, 19th, and 20th February, 2000.

Are you a Seeker?

Are you ready, willing and able to finally become a


limpiando y despidiendo identidades..jpg (28429 bytes)
cleaning and saying goodbye to identities,

Being ready means that you have been on the spiritual merry-go-round for so long, that any letter which appears in your mailbox informing you of yet another new sure-fire system of knowledge, which guarantees that in a few weeks’ time you will become a perfectly self confident, highly successful, and evolved being, immediately hits the nearest wastebasket with an elegant three pointer, á la Michael Jordan, no questions asked.

Being ready also implies you don’t shy away from addressing all the crucial questions which are so burning and all-encompassing that somehow you spend your entire life searching for answers to them, and yet you seem to be utterly unable to find them in ordinary life – simple but deep questions like: Who am I? – What am I here for? – and: Is there some higher purpose to all this?

Being willing means that you have developed a certain kind of Will, that is, the necessary motivation to respond to some very special efforts, some of which are being taken even as you read this letter, efforts which are necessary when it comes to following your heart, against all the resistance and all the reasons that say: Don't Do It, It's Probably Not Worth Doing! You must actually be willing to take time off from your family, your favorite hobbies, your fixed daily schedules, your career, as you are being presented with a very special opportunity; not the kind you ordinarily come across in newspaper advertisements. No, not that kind, but an authentic opportunity, the kind which may only present itself at certain times, maybe only once in a lifetime.

Being able means you are capable of dropping everything which relates to your ordinary life during one very special weekend this coming February (only some twelve or so weeks from now) in order to take advantage of a unique opportunity to address the questions that you always wanted to address but somehow never get around to.

On behalf of the Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being, (IDHHB) in California, we wish to inform you that this extraordinary event is indeed taking place. It’s being called:

IDHHB EuroCon 2K 

The Institute for the Development of the Harmonious Human Being (IDHHB), an innovator in the field of transformational and transpersonal techniques, as well as in the field of what we call »the teachings«, sometimes referred to as the »path of voluntary evolution«, this century referred to as »the Work«, in the very same tradition of the ancient wisdoms of many hidden paths, has been requested by its groups and friends in Europe to make a statement on the European continent. And you are invited to be there right from the very start. Workshops and Talks will be presented for the first time ever in Europe by a team of leading members of IDHHB, long time students and collaborators of E.J. Gold (author of The American Book of the Dead, Practical Work on Self, The Human Biological Machine as a Transformational Apparatus, Angels Healing Journey and many other esoteric works).

At the convention, you will have the rare opportunity to embark head-on into practical workshops and inner soul journeys. You will experience a taste of the ultimate adventure – your own death. You will see and learn ancient sacred movements. You will learn to do things with your essential self-attention that you have never dreamed of being able to do. You will learn how to warm your soul. You will be initiated into Zen Basics – and you will be in for some very enlightening additional surprises.

Among the hosts of EuroCon 2K will be:

Patricia Elizabeth, terminal midwife, home-birthing and home-dying expert and teacher, book author, known from hundreds of workshops on the practise of being with the dying in the USA, Canada, and Europe.

Menlo Macfarlane, master percussionist, fine artist, dancer/choreographer, Sacred Movements Teacher.

Scott Wellman, stage-magician, expert on Marsteller Diet and California Nouvelle Cuisine.

Lily Nova, editor, fine artist (Documenta V, Kassel, Germany 1976), seminar leader

Matthias Schossig, associate producer, author, translator, author of screenplays, currently living in Germany.

Fabio Pellegrini, musician, teacher and translator, residing in Italy.

Per Heiberg magistrate, translator and art dealer, residing in Norway.

Eric Feingold, working in the field of using the internet for practical work on self, using virtual reality spaces and bardo gaming, teacher, translator, permaculturist, living in Spain.

The workshop hosts have each been working with E.J. Gold for more than 20 years – Patricia Elizabeth specialising in the field of Death and Dying; Menlo Macfarlane concentrating on the realm of Sacred Movements; Scott Wellman focusing on the heart of the community – the kitchen; Lily Nova in the manifesting of sacred objects through textile, design and jewellery, Matthias Schossig focusing on the use of cinema and television as a means of communicating Work ideas, Fabio Pellegrini specialising in the art of the Ney, the instrument used by the Mevlevi (Mawlawiyah) Dervishes, Per Heiberg venturing into the area of objective art, and Eric Feingold in the use of the Internet as an active Work tool.

 In these workshops we will take practical steps

to identify, develop, invoke, and use our Being Attention

In the Sufi tradition the cultivation of this type of Being Attention has often been associated with the cultivation of a rose garden.

In the Zen Buddhist tradition it is said: »If the dog barks, kill it«. Of course the gentle Buddhists would never suggest you actually kill a dog, what is really meant is that there are ways for us to eliminate the intrusive quality of these phenomenal pressures, which constantly impinge and make demands upon our attention.

In the course of ordinary life the attention of this Essential Self is constantly seduced by attractions and distractions, which attack and surround your organic self from the exterior as well as the interior.

The cultivation of this special, higher attention attains a vital importance at the moment of the death of the organic self. At that moment the only thing remaining after having been stripped of the organic mind and emotions is this Being Attention.

The only thing you ever really possess

is what cannot be lost in a shipwreck.

At this point you may wish to know the following:

How do I get there?

Who will show me the way from the airport to the convention site?

Is it better to take the ferry from Barcelona or the plane?

Where will I stay?

Will they feed me or do I have to bring a bag lunch?

Can I prepare for the workshops?

What do I need to bring?

What are the fees, and what exactly will I receive?

You can get in touch by sending an  e-mail to: